About Me + Life Story

First, a few things about me as a person:

1. I'm an artist at heart. I love anything to do with the arts: music (singing, guitar), painting, sketching, writing, acting, and performing of any kind. 

2. I'm an INFJ. 
If you're into MBTI like I am, you'll know that that basically means I am an introvert  who is extremely thoughtful about things such as the meaning of life and the secrets of the universe. I think often about the unknown depths of the sea, and promise myself that I'll be the first one to explore them...until I remember that I have a fear of open waters. 
I want to change the world even though I probably won't be able to.
I'm a perfectionist who wishes I could just fix everything and everyone; and get depressed when I realize that I can't. 

3. I'm planning on getting involved in some form of missions. I don't know exactly what, when, or where. All I know is I want to follow God and serve people.

Now that you know about who I am as a person, here's a bit on what my life is like.

If I were to make a timeline of all the most important events of my life that I can remember, this is what it would look like:

To start out: I was born in West Virginia.

When I was around age 2, our family moved to Maine.

My dad was a pastor there at a small church with an organization called Village Missions. 2-3 years later, my parents felt that God was telling them that their work in that church was done. So my dad found work with an old friend of his, and we moved to Florida.

We lived in an apartment for maybe 1 year until we found that my grandma wasn't doing too well health-wise, so we moved to a house, still in Florida, but closer to her.

When my grandma died, we decided that living on the East Coast was getting too expensive. So we bought a little cabin in the mountains of Tennessee.

Tennessee was a beautiful place full of insanely gorgeous sights and cute accents, but we struggled to find work and a good church where we were living because we were so secluded. We were living normally for about 2 years until my dad got the chance to pastor another small church. When I was twelve, I accepted Christ into my heart.

About a year later, we decided that we wanted to join Village Missions again. We were sent to yet another small church in Minnesota.

While we were in Minnesota, I worked at a camp that will always have a special place in my heart with people who I will never forget. My oldest sister went to college in California. That was very hard for me as she had been my best friend throughout the entirety of my crazy life (and still is, despite the distance).

After yet, another two years, our work at that church was done. We moved back into our house in Tennessee while we were figuring out what to do next.

My older brother graduated and went to a Tech College in the state,

We stayed there in Tennessee for about 1 1/2 years before we sold our house, bought an RV and came back to Minnesota to pair up with our friends and their mission for Haiti. We parked our RV in their front yard.

I went back to the aforementioned camp summer of 2016 to work again. While I was at camp for six weeks, our family and our friend's family all moved to South Dakota.

The father of the family we were with had a drilling business that my dad was going to help out with. The job was in South Dakota, so we all moved there in our RVs and lived there for about 2-3 months.

We then moved back to Minnesota. And parked in the front yard again.

My parents went to Haiti for a week. It was an amazing experience they said. I hope to be able to go sometime soon.

Soon after, we felt like God was calling us away from the 7:10 Foundation. I still don't really know why, but sometimes God does things we don't understand.
Once again, we decided it would be best to follow Him, even if we were walking blindly. So we sold the RV.

We moved to Michigan. We have family there, and so while my dad got a job and an apartment or house, we lived with my grandparents. 

After about 2 months of living with my grandparents, my dad found a job and a house inside a cute little community which I now call my home. 

Our ambitions are to settle down and stay in one place. 

I'm planning on taking a gap year through 2018 to connect and serve people. I am wanting to grow in my relationship with the Lord and really get close to Him before I take my next step into my future.  

So far, you are caught up. But as quickly as my life is moving, I will probably have to update often. We'll see what happens next.

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