Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Satan is Our Protector?

   This post will be a little different . 

   Today I saw something that disturbed me. It was a screenshot of some person's Facebook post. This is what it said:

"The Devil gave humans critical thinking, which God didn't want. He wanted us to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of whatever so that we would basically be thought-slaves for all of eternity, but the devil did us a favor and turned the tables there with a single conversation. 
Also, the devil killed a grand total of 10 people in the Bible, while God killed somewhere around 2.3 million.
The devil understands human nature, but doesn't judge you for being human. 
He accepts God's unwanted children unconditionally. 
He's not our hero, he's our silent guardian. A watchful protector. 
A dark knight." 

This sickened me for many reasons. 

1. The writer's lack of Biblical understanding.
2. The demonization of God.
3. How this person romanticized Satan and made him look angelic.

   This post is mostly for me, and cementing my own beliefs, and also for other people who might be unsure, or who might believe any of what was said above. 

   So here we go. 

   First of all, Satan did not give us critical thinking. God created the world without sin. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was created so that he could give humans freewill. It would technically be Adam and Eve's decision to have evil in the world or not. 
The very fact that God created the tree, and gave humans freewill completely destroys the idea that God wants us to be his "thought-slaves". 

   Satan deceived Eve into believing that eating of the tree's fruit would make her like God. In a way, it would, because she would know about the existence of evil, and have the potential to be and do evil. But! What he didn't tell her is that eating of the tree would also introduce death into the world.
Satan hates all mankind, and so that was the beginning of his plan to destroy us.
   As for the killing, yes, there were many wars in the Bible. Many that God approved of. But they all took place so that God's ultimate plan could come together. (much like an author of a book still kills off some of his beloved characters to form the plot)
Now Satan, he kills so many more people. He deceives millions upon millions every day to keep us from following God.
   Satan does not love or protect us, he works hard every day to lie and destroy us. When someone dies, unsaved, his work is complete with them, and he gets to bring their soul to his domain in Hell.
   God does not have any unwanted children. He has his arms wide open to everyone. But since he is a loving God who doesn't work with "mind control", He gives everyone a choice.
   Sadly, many people reject Him. Satan loves this, because it is another soul that he can torture and destroy. 

   So you see, whoever wrote this post got it backwards. God loves us so much, and Satan just seeks to hurt us. 

   Please don't fall victim to these lies. It's so easy to see something on the internet and believe it. But Satan uses these kinds of things to deceive people into thinking he is their friend and protector and that is a deadly lie to believe. 

   This is all I have to say for now, but please if anyone you know believes things like this, please tell them the truth. Being silent in instances like this could cost someone their soul.